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Thursday 2011-10-27
The location of ISWC 2013 is Sydney, Australia
The ISWC 2011 in Bonn, Germany is almost over and since we already know that the next conference is going to be held in Boston, Massachusetts in the USA in November 2012, the location for 2013 was made official just now: Sydney,...[more]
Thursday 2011-10-27
SWSA 10-year award
The SWSA 10-year award goes to the following paper from the 2001 Semantic Web Working Symposium: Anupriya Ankolekar, Mark H. Burstein, Jerry R. Hobbs, Ora Lassila, David L. Martin, Sheila A. McIlraith, Srini Narayanan, Massimo...[more]
Vote for the Outrageous Ideas
You can vote for the Outrageous Ideas here: http://userpages.uni-koblenz.de/~cms/survey/index.php?sid=72933&lang=en[more]
Tuesday 2011-10-25
Vote for the Linked Data-a-thon Applications
Check out the applications participating in the Linked Data-a-thon: Personal Regional Address Book of Public Sector Informationhttp://www.rustprivacy.org/2011/phase/iswc2011/index.html ISWC 2011 Conference...[more]
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No more spaces available for the mentoring lunch. If you would like to be put on the waiting list, please register at the Mentoring lunch page.[more]

@davidfrancos será el encargado mañana de dar la charla en la #Iswc2011, será sobre ciencia ciudadana y furnivall http://t.co/9FWNf1k413:59
Mañana comienza la Libre Software Conference en #Zaragoza!Allí estaremos dando una charla #Iswc201113:50
RT @louisaj9hot: @Fat_DaQueenBee @Juudjeee @jewELFishy_B2ST @快喵Ⅴpn @ISWC2011 http://t.co/vrIpQw0I11:55
@free v pn加速器 a') it is online b) The Springer Online proceedings are available c) Every participant got an USB thumb drive with a mirror11:53
@alexgarciac Yes, we know - the server moved physically - as we wrote several times. Now it is online again.11:51